Info: Annual. This low sunflower mix finds a suitable spot in the front yard, on any balcony, and on terraces. Height approx. 80 cm.
Care: Sowing made easy! Place the seed tape in the prepared grooves, moisten, cover with soil, and press down. No thinning needed as it has the optimal plant spacing. The paper decomposes completely in the soil.
Usage: This low mix is ideal as a border and bedding plant. Also suitable for large containers.
Gardener's tip: Nutrient-rich, well-drained soil and sufficient moisture promote good development. Additional fertilization is advantageous.
Sowing: Pre-cultivation: March - April; direct sowing: May - mid-June
Germination: 7 - 14 days at 15°C
Location: Sunny
Flowering: From July - September
Sowing made easy
What is it, some of you might ask, when you hear "seed disk" or "seed tape". The answer: It's the easiest way to garden! So if you have little experience or time, the blooming tapes, plates, or disks are just right for you. The optimal distance of the seeds is already "pre-programmed", so you no longer have to painstakingly thin the plants. Simply fill a pot with soil, place the seed disk on top, water, and cover with soil - the perfect sowing is complete.
It's just as easy to use in your outdoor garden.
Seed disks are suitable for clay or plastic pots. Seed plates of 10 x 80 centimeters are cut to fit balcony boxes.
Regardless of the size, proceed as described: soil, seed plate, water, soil. Our tip for your balcony is the "Balcony box seed mat".
Of course, there are seed disks and seed plates for herb gardens, as well as larger seed tapes, for example, 6 meters, for your garden.
For your peace of mind, the paper of the seed tapes decomposes completely!